martes, 11 de octubre de 2016

ver VIKINGS 1x03: DISPOSSESSED ONLINE subtitulada en ingles

  • Synopsis:Ragnar's warband returns in triumph to Kattegat, where the Earl immediately confiscates the plundered riches except for one piece per man. Ragnar picks the distraught Athelstan and returns home. The monk's faith and his vow of chastity perplex Ragnar, but he, nonetheless, gathers useful intelligence about the kingdom of Northumbria. Based on this new insight, Earl Haraldson authorizes another raid on England. Now accompanied by Lagertha and the Earl's trustee, Knut, Ragnar re-embarks post-haste, leaving Athelstan to mind the farm and the children.

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siempre es bueno practicar el listening y que mejor manera de hacerlo que viendo series y peliculas donde leeras lo que escuchas
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